Q1 2024 Quarterly Report

A Note from the Executive Director

This spring the Northwest saw the benefits of its commitment to collaboration. The 2024 Efficiency Exchange Conference resulted in meaningful connections and powerful ideas with more than 500 people attending. NEEA is honored to partner with BPA to host such an incredible event on behalf of the region and appreciates the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s support in putting it on.

In May, the Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee released its annual Northwest Regional Forecast which anticipates the most significant increase in projected load growth since the early 80s. Given the increased urgency and required scale to meet resource adequacy needs, the report highlights how regional collaboration, energy efficiency and end-use solutions will be more important than ever to help bring down overall energy consumption, especially during peak periods. The report called out the need for new emerging technologies to help meet future demand.

Speaking of energy efficiency and technology advancement, exciting news came via the federal government this quarter with the U.S. DOE’s publication of the new standard for consumer water heaters. The standard will transition the majority of electric storage water heaters to heat pump technology and make important incremental steps to improve gas storage water heater efficiency. The passage of the federal water heating standard represents a major milestone in alliance Market Transformation efforts and is a win for all Northwest gas and electric customers. It is a direct result of nearly 20 years of leadership by the alliance, its market partners, and many stakeholders across the country.

The work of this alliance is meaningful and continues to be a vital resource for the region to meet the challenges and opportunities ahead. More highlights from NEEA’s work in Q1 are available at the links on the right. Please reach out to NEEA staff directly with questions.

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