The Product Council offers an opportunity for utilities and energy efficiency organizations within the Northwest (and other interested parties) to explore and discuss new products, technologies and market trends that could help the region meet its energy goals. The forum is casual to foster deep discussion of the merits and challenges with the products and services reviewed.
Membership includes: NEEA staff representatives from Planning, Evaluation, Product Management, Codes & Standards, Market Management, Initiative Management, Stakeholder Relations, and Corporate Communications. Planning staff from Energy Trust of Oregon and Emerging Technology from Bonneville Power Administration, any interested members of the Regional Emerging Technology Advisory Committee (RETAC).
Meetings take place on Tuesdays from 10:30 a.m. (PST) - 12 p.m. (PST) See the calendar below for upcoming meetings.
Have questions? Please contact us.
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There are no upcoming events for Product Council.
All content and materials accessed through this webpage or any meeting resources are provided “as-is” without any warranties or guarantees. NEEA and its funders do not represent or warrant that any content or information obtained by you from these materials will be accurate or reliable, including but not limited to any technical advice, product advice, product testing results, product recommendations, and third-party recommendations. Under no circumstances shall NEEA or NEEA’s funders be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.
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