Alliance Unites Stakeholders to Build Resilient Future

2022 Annual Report highlights activities that support diverse energy needs across the region.

Portland, Ore. – June 13, 2023 – On behalf of more than 140 Northwest utilities, the Bonneville Power Administration and the Energy Trust of Oregon, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) has released its 2022 Annual Report.

Improving energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption lead to a secure future for Idaho and our country. Energy efficiency will enable Idaho to continue to meet the needs of its expanding communities while keeping energy rates low, and I appreciate the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance for its leadership in bringing together broad stakeholders to promote smart, cost-effective and responsible energy practices.

- Brad Little
Governor of Idaho

NEEA’s Annual Report highlights regional accomplishments and results over the past year. Working together in 2022, the alliance:

  • Collaborated to improve the efficiency of televisions by partnering with TV manufacturers to develop a new test method for assessing TV energy use. The new test method more accurately reflects actual energy use and was adopted into the ENERGY STAR Version 9 TV specification, which took effect in late 2022.
  • Provided data and market knowledge from the Northwest Energy-Efficient Manufactured Housing Program – a long-term collaboration between the Bonneville Power Administration, NEEA, Energy Trust of Oregon, Northwest electric utilities, Northwest-based manufactured home builders, and other partners – to the U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE), resulting in the announcement from the U.S. DOE and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) of the first new energy efficiency update for manufactured homes in 25 years.
  • Recruited 1,000+ homes to participate in the Residential Building Stock Assessment, a regional research study conducted by the alliance roughly every five years that is designed to collect information on home characteristics in the Northwest. Each participant home provides detailed data on hundreds of building and equipment characteristics, enabling the identification of energy efficiency opportunities and providing data for utility planning purposes.
  • Participated in the development of a joint recommendation with industry partners to the U.S. DOE as input to the Federal standards public process for heat pump water heaters. As part of these conversations, NEEA brought data, research and real-world validation of the technology from across the Northwest, including those from cold-climate and rural markets. This work builds on the first Northern Climate Water Heater specification that NEEA created in 2009 to ensure cold-climate performance. Since then, NEEA has worked with both the region and market to iterate on it, based on real-world performance as product improvements were made over the last 13-14 years through voluntary programs. Incorporating the Advanced Water Heating Specification (AWHS) as the industry standard is an important step to ensure that future Federal standards for water heaters recognize Northwest climates and consumer needs.
  • Concluded an efficient gas rooftop unit field trial in collaboration with Montana State University’s Integrated Design Lab that demonstrated a 40% reduction in small-to-medium-sized commercial building HVAC energy use.
  • Co-created 38.7 aMW of electric energy savings and 827,379 Therms of natural gas savings in 2022, equivalent to the amount of energy needed to power more than 26,000 homes per year.

Energy efficiency plays a pivotal role in both the challenges and opportunities facing today’s energy system. It is a tool for businesses to be competitive in the market, helps consumers lower their energy bills, and prepares the Northwest for a resilient future. The alliance unites the diverse voices and needs of the region to enact long-lasting, meaningful change.

- Becca Yates
Executive Director, NEEA

The alliance’s 2022 Annual Report is available at


The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) is an alliance of more than 140 utilities and energy efficiency organizations working on behalf of more than 13 million energy consumers. NEEA is dedicated to accelerating both electric and gas energy efficiency, leveraging its regional partnerships to advance the adoption of energy-efficient products, services and practices.

Since 1997, NEEA and its partners have saved energy equivalent to powering more than 670,000 homes each year. As the second-largest resource in the Northwest, energy efficiency can help offset most of the region’s new demand for energy, saving money and keeping the Northwest a healthy and vibrant place to live. To learn more about NEEA’s 25-year history of successful market transformation, visit or watch the video.
