The 2024 Leadership in Energy Efficiency Awards is NEEA’s annual celebration to recognize the trailblazers driving innovations and collaborations in energy efficiency across the Northwest and beyond. Marking the event’s 10th anniversary, this hybrid ceremony will be held on Thursday, December 5, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. PST.
The ceremony will honor the teams, programs and individuals who have demonstrated the most outstanding leadership, dedication, enthusiasm and performance in pursuit of a more efficient Northwest. Congratulations to this year’s honorees:
The Leadership in Energy Efficiency Rising Star Award:
Andrew Barrington, Avista Utilities
Barrington redefined Avista’s roadmap for achieving greater energy efficiency through an advanced customer engagement program that leverages AI to view home energy usage at the appliance level. His exemplary leadership and initiative have transformed how Avista uses customer data and AI-powered analytics for energy efficiency outreach to benefit high-consumption customers, business owners as well as high energy-burdened customers struggling with their energy bills.
Leadership in Energy Efficiency Innovative Collaboration Award:
Creekside Housing Development Project for the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde: Tamara Anderson, NEEA (lead); Ryan Webb, P.E., Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde; Jeni Hall and Scott Leonard, Energy Trust of Oregon; Greg Lasher and Casey Phillips TRC (representing Energy Trust)
The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Energy Trust and NEEA collaborated on the construction of the Creekside rural development property. This project supported the Tribe’s goals of creating comfortable, affordable and resilient homes for Tribal elders and their families. These net zero homes combine energy efficiency and renewable energy features to produce as much energy as they use, and some of those efficiency features also make the homes more resilient and safer in case of wildfires and smoke.
Tom Eckman Leadership in Energy Efficiency Lifetime Achievement Award:
Nancy Hirsh, NW Energy Coalition
For nearly 30 years, Hirsh has been a change agent in advancing comprehensive, innovative and bedrock regulatory and legislative energy efficiency policies and programs in the Northwest. At the Coalition, Hirsh has facilitated a wide array of organizational, utility, state and interest groups as a cohesive alliance for more than three decades. Her contributions will benefit the Northwest now and into the future as the region looks forward to achieving its energy goals.
Chairperson's Award:
Susan Hermenet, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Since joining NEEA’s staff in 1999, Hermenet has championed alliance efforts to increase the adoption of energy-efficient technologies and practices on behalf of Northwest customers. During her tenure at NEEA, she has helped develop and lead several important Market Transformation functions, including portfolio management, cost effectiveness analysis and modeling, value metrics forecasting and reporting, market research and evaluation, data and market analysis, and data management. She has also spearheaded and directed NEEA’s largest regional studies, including the End Use Load Research project, and the 5-year Commercial and Residential Building Stock Assessments.
We’d also like to extend our congratulations to this year's nominees for their incredible demonstration of leadership in energy efficiency. This year’s nominees include:
Leadership in Energy Efficiency Rising Star Award:
Leadership in Energy Efficiency Innovative Collaboration Award:
Tom Eckman Leadership in Energy Efficiency Lifetime Achievement Award:
Congratulations again to all the nominees!
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