Connected line voltage thermostats are a compelling energy efficiency and demand response measure due to their ability to flexibly and intelligently control an inefficient and peak-load-inducing technology. They are also a compelling near-term technology for low income or rental market segments that are constrained in capital investments, like HVAC upgrades, allowing for more optimized control of zonal systems.
To better understand the potential for energy and demand savings from connected line voltage thermostats, NEEA contracted with Cadeo Group to provide a brief scan of available technologies for electronic and connected line voltage thermostats and their capabilities, and to estimate the technical and market potential for this technology. In this presentation, we’ll share our findings from the work, which include:
• The current status of the market and key features of connected line voltage thermostats
• The potential to expand some of those features to further optimize the technology
• The energy and demand response potential of this technology long-term
• Next steps to enhance program offerings in this area.
We’ll also hear an update from Seattle City Light on their DR thermostat pilot, to gain some real-world understanding of program dynamics and impacts they have observed to date.
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