2020 Residential Lighting Market Analysis

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) contracted with Apex Analytics and DNV to conduct the 16th Northwest Residential Lighting Market Analysis as part of its long-term monitoring and tracking (LTMT) of the residential lighting market. As in previous studies, Apex Analytics and DNV collected and analyzed store shelf and point-of-sale data to update market parameters including lamp sales mix and post-incentive per lamp cost.

Key findings of the 2020 study include:

  • The market continued to shift toward LEDs, which made up 67% of all 2020 Northwest lamp sales;
  • Post-incentive prices for general purpose LEDs increased slightly in 2020, potentially because fewer utilities offered incentives;
  • Among general purpose LEDs, the share of ENERGY STAR® LEDs declined again to 51% but shares increased for other applications.
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