The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) contracted with Energy Solutions to estimate the additional equipment and labor cost to install Luminaire Level Lighting Controls (LLLC) compared to other options. The outcome of this bi-annual study, conducted since 2017, enables NEEA to track cost trends and conduct cost-effectiveness analysis in a market with rapidly changing product technology. The research team interviewed a total of 12 manufacturers, manufacturer representatives, and contractors to collect detailed labor, equipment, and other cost data for lighting projects based on prototypical office buildings.
The incremental cost for Smart LLLC systems was $60, compared with LED fixtures with no controls. Systems with more basic functionality had incremental costs of $55 (Clever-hybrid LLLC) and $43 (Clever LLLC). These prices indicate a 44% reduction in incremental cost for Smart LLLC systems between 2017 and 2022. In addition, the incremental cost range between system types was close to $20, which is about five times narrower than when the study was first conducted. These changes may be due in part to the disappearance of one-time and on-going subscription fees and configuration tools with the advent of free software apps for managing systems.