2022 Review of Key Assumptions for Luminaire Level Lighting Controls

As part of its Luminaire Level Lighting Controls (LLLC) program, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) contracted with Cadmus Group for an independent review of the program’s key assumptions for modeling co-created savings. In late 2022, Cadmus Group reviewed NEEA documents and calculations, and then provided feedback and recommendations on NEEA’s key modeling assumptions. Key findings included:

  • NEEA’s application of the Control Savings Fraction and Hours of Use are reasonable. Some minor revisions to assumptions for high-bay fixtures and netting out baseline lighting controls may help refine the model.
  • NEEA’s lighting power assumptions and current reporting are in line with expectations for most building types.
  • Future declines in fixture wattage are unlikely to significantly affect NEEA’s modeling as they are already the dominant technology in the market. Minor adjustments to align with the 2018 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) will enhance NEEA’s modeling.
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