In late 2018, NEEA contracted with Apex Analytics, LLC, to evaluate NEEA’s influence on the ENERGY STAR computers market and to review NEEA’s baseline approach for ENERGY STAR Version 6 commercial desktop computers. NEEA’s work in the market included early support of the 80 PLUS certification program as well as providing stand-alone and collaborative comments to the EPA during the specification development process for ENERGY STAR for Computers Versions 4, 5, and 6.
There were two objectives of this evaluation: 1) to qualitatively assess whether or not NEEA’s work had an influence on the computers market via 80 PLUS and ENERGY STAR specifications, and 2) to determine if the methodology and proposed baseline value for ENERGY STAR Version 6 commercial desktop computers was appropriate. Apex reviewed NEEA’s comments submitted to the EPA, conducted interviews with a variety of stakeholders involved with 80 PLUS, ENERGY STAR specification development, and NEEA’s Desktop Power Supplies initiative, and reviewed the methodology for the baseline calculation.
Apex found that NEEA’s work did influence the efficient computers market, and that the baseline assumption for ENERGY STAR Version 6 is reasonable.