NEEA’s Window Attachments Initiative recently went through Initiative Start and is ready to begin market interventions. One of the products being investigated is a new- to-the market window attachment that is similar to traditional storm windows, but offers greater energy efficiency for the residential sector. At the same time, the product is significantly less expensive than replacement windows, which offer greater energy efficiency than the attachments.
The energy savings potential of this product is dependent on a number of factors, including, but not limited to:
o The number of households in Oregon,Washington,Idaho and Montana that would qualify for savings – this only includes homes that have metal framed windows or single pane wood framed windows (~ 13%).
o The percent of those homeowners or primary decision-makers (to be collectively referred to as home owners in this report) that would select this new product over current storm windows or replacement windows.
To maximize potential savings, the Window Attachments team will need to design interventions that reduce market barriers to position the product for the greatest success in working with the Attachments Energy Rating Council.