The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) contracted with ADM Associates Inc. (ADM) to conduct the first Market Progress Evaluation Report (MPER) for NEEA’s Extended Motor Products (XMP) pump and circulator program. Through this study, ADM reviewed and assessed the clarity and alignment of the program’s guiding documentation, including the Program Logic Model, Market Transformation Theory, and Market Progress Indicators (MPIs). Following this review, ADM evaluated NEEA’s first year of progress in transforming the regional pump and circulator market in the manner predicted by the Program Logic Model as measured by relevant MPIs. The study was conducted between January and November 2024, with information gathered via document review, interviews and surveys.
Based on the results of these activities, ADM concluded that the logic model aligns with the theory of change underlying the XMP program’s work and that NEEA developed a reasonable and largely evaluable list of MPIs.
The study indicates that XMP participants value and are actively engaged in the XMP program, and participants demonstrate notable differences in sales patterns compared with nonparticipants, particularly in regard to smart pump sales. Additionally, study findings confirmed that NEEA serves as a critical player in working to expand and increase federal performance standards for pumps and circulators. However, study findings suggest an inconsistent landscape of awareness and use of the Hydraulic Institute’s Energy Rating (ER) Label for pumps and circulators among regional market actors and end users. To remedy this, the study recommends enhancing the value proposition of efficient pump products that carry the ER Label. Lastly, additional research may offer a better understanding of the population of clean-water pump and circulator specifiers, contractors, and project owners both related to this label and broader behaviors and perceptions.