Extended Motor Products Savings Validation Research on Clean Water Pumps and Circulators

As part of the Extended Motor Products (XMP) Initiative, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) contracted with Cadeo Group to execute research on the installation characteristics and operation of Commercial and Industrial Clean Water Pumps and Commercial and Residential Circulators in the Northwest. The team designed this research effort to leverage both primary data collection (collected by Energy350) and data collected through systems that monitor pump operation for other primary purposes (e.g., Building Automation Systems).

NEEA intends for this research to further inform and refine the Unit Energy Savings (UES) Measures for Efficient Pumps and Circulators developed through the Regional Technical Forum (RTF). As a result, the team intentionally designed the data collection and analysis plan to investigate specific points of uncertainty within the data sets used to develop the current RTF measures. This report documents the development of the XMP Initiative, reviews the data collection and research methodology, and presents the outcome and findings of the research.

The full database of research is available below at the following links:

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