The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance’s (NEEA) Efficient Fans program aims to increase awareness, visibility, and market adoption of more efficient fan products. NEEA contracted with DNV Energy Insights USA, Inc. (DNV), to conduct this Market Characterization study, which focused specifically on understanding efficient fan system products that are not embedded in larger equipment (“non-embedded fan systems”). Primary study objectives included (a) profiling and sizing the regional non-embedded fan market; (b) identifying and prioritizing market barriers that may impact the uptake and diffusion of efficient fan system technologies; and (c) documenting market actor motivations and fan system paths-to-purchase, including the perspective, motivations, and pain points of relevant market actor groups.
Between June and September 2023, DNV conducted 31 structured interviews with manufacturers, manufacturers’ representatives, specifiers, contractors, systems integrators, and building maintenance managers active in the C&I non-embedded fan system market in the Northwest. The study estimated the average number fans sold annually in the Northwest and highlighted that the majority of these regional sales were likely represented by a small number of manufacturers. The study also yielded findings related to the pairing of fans with controls (e.g., variable-speed drives), as well as market actor awareness of the Fan Energy Index metric. Finally, the report provides recommendations to mitigate market barriers and leverage identified opportunities to advance market adoption of C&I fan systems in the Northwest.