Through its market transformation work, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) works to increase the adoption of energy-efficient products, services, and practices. As part of this overall goal, NEEA participates in public code update processes and works with state code bodies to support code implementation. To refine its strategy for supporting code implementation, NEEA contracted with TRC to conduct market research to better understand the current market of individuals providing home energy ratings for new construction homes (“raters”) in the Northwest. TRC compiled information on raters working in the Northwest to develop an estimate of the current rater population, conducted interviews and surveys with active raters, and conducted interviews with staff from provider organizations that certify and support raters.
TRC identified 111 unique raters in the Northwest but estimates that only 50 to 70 of these raters are actively providing services. Most raters have been working in the field for over five years, with raters and providers reporting that there are few new raters entering the market. Raters and providers believe that the market for home energy rating services will grow due to Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funds incentivizing above-code homes, however. Raters report using similar business practices in both urban and rural areas, but they perceive less demand for their services in rural areas.