Inventory of Industrial Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS) for M&V Applications

Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS) are softwaretools that store, analyze, and display energy consumption data. The number ofcommercially-available EMIS has increased dramatically over the past ten years,as have the analytical and reporting capabilities of the tools. The market ischaracterized by a growing pool of EMIS vendors and varying levels of rigor andanalytical approaches employed by the tools. To assist its utilitystakeholders, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) contracted withPECI in 2013 to develop an EMIS inventory for commercial applications. NEEAintended for the inventory to document EMIS features that could support utilityprograms and financial transactions based on energy efficiency improvements.Following the publication of the commercial EMIS inventory, NEEA initiated thisproject to develop a similar inventory for industrial applications as a way toclarify the capabilities and options for EMIS-enabled measurement andverification (M&V), and to encourage incorporation of EMIS into industrialStrategic Energy Management programs.

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