Investigation of Airtightness and Ventilation Interactions in New Multifamily Buildings - Phase III

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) contracted with Ecotope, Inc. to determine the negative impact that levels of compartmentalization, the measure of tightness of total envelope of an individual apartment including interior and exterior walls, could have on the performance of exhaust appliances. The study identifies the total static pressure needed by modern exhaust fans, kitchen range hoods, and clothes dryers to overcome levels of compartmentalization and source their minimum make-up air so the installed appliances perform adequately.

The study proposes make-up air design solutions and alternatives to some exhaust-based appliances for buildings with airtightness-levels exceeding 1 ACH50, which would provide adequate performance and energy savings from in-unit appliances and ensure occupant health and comfort.

Find the Phase II Report here.

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Investigation of Airtightness and Ventilation Interactions in New Multifamily Buildings - Phase III