Luminaire Level Lighting Controls Replacement vs. Redesign Comparison Study

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) in conjunction with the University of Oregon’s Energy Studies in Buildings Laboratory completed the Luminaire Level Lighting Controls (LLLC) Replacement vs. Redesign Comparison Study in August 2020. LLLC systems have made significant advancements in recent years as a lighting solution that integrates daylight harvesting and occupancy sensing controls into individual LED luminaires. Having a sensor in each luminaire simplifies installation and programming, providing versatility and expanded potential design solutions for new construction, existing building renewal, and lighting retrofits. 

The study was conducted to determine if LLLC systems, applied as one-for-one (1:1) replacement retrofit solutions, can provide lighting energy savings and lighting quality comparable to more comprehensive networked lighting control (NLC) redesign solutions, which tend to also require significant cost investment in design, specification, and install. This report summarizes how LLLC systems are a cost-competitive 1:1 retrofit alternative that provide comparable performance to more comprehensive NLC redesign solutions.

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