Manufactured Homes Market Progress Evaluation #1

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) contracted with Apex Analytics in the fall of 2020 to conduct the first Market Progress Evaluation Report (MPER) for its Manufactured Homes program. The key objectives of the evaluation were to:

  • Review the program’s logic model to assess whether it accurately represents the program’s theory of change.
  • Assess program progress toward Market Transformation based on four key market progress indicators (MPIs).
  • Assess the persistence of the Northwest Energy Efficient Manufactured Homes (NEEM) program’s NEEM+ designation in the market.
  • Provide ongoing information and feedback to the program implementation team for adaptive management.
  • Review the NEEM 1.1 baseline memo to verify NEEA’s influence on NEEM 1.1 market share.

The report concludes that continued support from NEEA is needed in order to strengthen NEEM+ homes presence in the manufactured homes market. Retailers play a critical role in building awareness of and demand for NEEM+ homes, and in turn need sales tools that help to differentiate NEEM+ homes from other manufactured homes. Furthermore, utility incentives can help boost visibility of the NEEM+ product.

This report has been updated with a memorandum at the end of the document as of 8/10/2021.

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