A disciplined approach to getting results

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) is an alliance of more than 140 utilities and energy efficiency organizations working on behalf of more than 13 million energy consumers to increase the adoption of energy-efficient products, services and practices. NEEA leverages the collective market power of the region and its more than 25 years of Market Transformation experience to create lasting market change. 

To do this, NEEA manages a diversified portfolio of Market Transformation initiatives. For each initiative, NEEA identifies market barriers to efficiency and then strategically intervenes to influence decision-makers throughout the supply chain, thereby removing those barriers. Ultimately, this work ensures that Northwest customers have greater access to efficient products at increasingly affordable prices, and market actors have opportunities for skills training and job creation. And, by identifying market barriers and then strategically intervening to remove them, NEEA’s work delivers permanent market change and verified energy savings.

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    Celebrating 25 Years of Market Transformation

    To celebrate the alliance's 25th year, NEEA's Board and staff got together to share milestones and impacts of the alliance since the its inception. Check out this video to learn more about how last 25-years of collaboration have moved the needle on energy efficiency efforts to the benefit of consumers throughout the region and beyond.

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    Supporting Regional Goals with Market Transformation

    Michael Colgrove, Executive Director of the Energy Trust of Oregon and NEEA Board member, shares his optimism for the alliance’s ability to drive energy efficiency forward and support regional decarbonization goals using the proven approach of Market Transformation.

All Programs

Advanced Commercial Water Heating

Gas heat pumps offer efficiency and decarbonization benefits to multifamily and commercial buildings with existing natural gas central water heating systems. NEEA will leverage its existing relationships to improve product specifications, guidelines and design practices that encourage wide adoption of these products by designers, installers, and building operators.

Advanced Heat Pumps

The Advanced Heat Pump Program, formerly the Variable Speed Heat Pump program, aims to identify and drive adoption of product features, capabilities and ratings that will deliver higher efficiency in all residential two-stage and variable speed heat pumps installed in the Northwest.

Efficient Fans

The Efficient Fans program works upstream with manufacturers to produce and promote efficient fan systems. Adoption of more efficient fan products in the commercial and industrial sectors could bring the region 176 aMW in estimated energy savings. Information collected throughout the program may be used to inform new codes and standards set by both industry associations and the U.S. Department of Energy.

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Efficient Rooftop Units

The Efficient Rooftop Unit (RTU) program works to increase the efficiency of RTUs through product differentiation and increased Federal Standards. Motivated by emerging opportunities from evolving test procedures, the Efficient RTU program transitioned from an exclusive focus on condensing rooftop units (C-RTUs) to a broader rooftop unit approach in 2020. Updated modeling demonstrates a significant energy-saving potential among Efficient RTUs through low-cost efficiency measures, offering a strong opportunity to differentiate these products in the market.

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Extended Motor Products (XMP)

Accelerates the adoption of more efficient motor driven products, such as pumps, fans, and compressors in end markets with significant savings potential.

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Heat Pump Water Heaters

Fifty-five percent of Northwest homes have electric water heaters. The alliance is increasing availability of high-efficiency heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) specifically designed for the Northern climate, with a goal of influencing the passage of a federal standard requiring HPWHs for all electric storage tanks greater than 45 gallons by 2025.

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High-Performance HVAC

The High-Performance HVAC program is a recent addition to NEEA’s portfolio, and will focus on Very High Efficiency Dedicated Outside Air Systems (VHE DOAS) as its first technology. Building on the DOAS concept of separating the ventilation from the heating and cooling system, VHE DOAS includes heat recovery ventilation and focuses on increased equipment efficiency and optimized system design. This combination yields significant whole building energy savings in new and existing small and medium commercial buildings while providing better indoor air quality and greater occupant comfort.

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Luminaire Level Lighting Controls

Luminaire Level Lighting Controls (LLLC) combine LEDs, controls, connectivity, and data to create a lighting product that is both efficient and easy to install, and offers improved occupant comfort and space utilization. NEEA is working with its partners to accelerate market adoption of LLLC technology by developing best practice specifications and increasing market awareness of the benefits of LLLCs in retrofit applications.

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Retail Product Portfolio

NEEA and its partners are engaged in a “Retail Product Portfolio” initiative that uses mid-stream incentives to influence retail stocking practices, making more qualified products available on store shelves.

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Specially Funded Projects: 

In addition to NEEA's core funded programs, a handful of opportunities were identified that align with NEEA’s strategic goals, while also 1) delivering a primary benefit other than energy efficiency, and/or 2) addressing needs that are not shared across the region. These opportunities are funded outside of NEEA's Core Business Plan by a subset of regional funders and other stakeholders that wish to pursue them. Currently, there are three special funded programs: End Use Load Research, Commercial Whole Buildings, and End Use Load Flexibility. Learn more about NEEA's work in these areas below: 

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    Northwest End Use Load Research Project

    Comprised of two studies - the Home Energy Metering Study and Commercial Energy Metering Study - and funded by regional electric utilities and government agencies, the EULR project was initiated in 2017. The project aims to support the region's understanding of electricity usage, and how changes in electric appliances, heating and cooling systems, water heating, and newer electricity uses like LED lighting and electric vehicles are impacting load growth.

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    Commercial Whole Building Performance

    The Commercial Whole Building Special Project is creating a regional, market-focused approach for utilities and efficiency programs to offer meaningful support to building owners, while creating an unprecedented pipeline of efficiency projects. Especially for under-served communities and the many under-resourced building owners throughout the region, there is a significant opportunity to increase access to, and awareness of, the practices that maximize value while exceeding performance targets. The project seeks to motivate the commercial building sector to undertake deep energy efficiency and decarbonization retrofits in a way that is widely accessible, scalable, and affordable for owners and occupants.

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    End Use Load Flexibility Project

    With this project, NEEA seeks to catalyze innovation and Market Transformation towards a more flexible and reliable energy system. The near-term goal is to expedite the integration of features that enable end-use load flexibility and gain insight into related opportunities. The project prioritizes opportunities focused on improving the efficiency, connectivity, and controllability of end-use devices and leveraging NEEA’s existing market relationships and product development expertise, research and analytics capabilities and role as a regional convenor.