January 31, 2023 - This Product Council hosted two project leads to share information on the following topics:
Achieving non-visual health in the workplace using Luminaire Level Lighting Controls (LLLCs) – Siobhan Rockcastle, Assistant Professor of Architecture
This presentation introduces the results of a recent collaboration between the University of Oregon and NEEA to evaluate the circadian exposure potential of an LED lighting system with luminaire-level lighting controls (LLLC) in an office setting. The research team generated a digital model of NEEA’s space and used it to simulate eye-level light exposure produced by the lighting system, with and without daylight, and simulated performance across the year for each group of light fixtures individually. Using that data, the team evaluated a selection of control and supplemental lighting strategies to find energy-optimal scenarios that can achieve task and circadian design goals.
Forest to Façade – Mark Fretz, Interim Director, Integrated Design Lab
Architectural researchers at the University of Oregon have been collaborating with structural engineers at Oregon State University through the TallWood Design Institute to adapt the Dutch concept of “Energiesprong” to a West Coast market. “Energiesprong” is intended to make leaps in existing building energy performance and associated reduction in operational carbon through a process that utilizes digital workflows to scan existing multifamily housing with LiDAR and produce panelized façade systems off-site with integrated windows and doors using CNC fabrication methods.
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