Thin Triple Pane Windows: A Market Transformation Strategy for Affordable R5 Windows

As part of scanning work for Building Envelope opportunities, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) contracted with Stephen Selkowitz Consultants to execute research on thin triple pane windows. The report begins with a detailed description of the product evolution and provides insights on the current state of the window market. It then outlines a plan to remove key market barriers and quickly introduce thin triple pane windows to mainstream markets by directly engaging window industry partners who make and sell windows in the Northwest and their critical supply chain partners. 

Finally, the report summarizes the emerging availability of the “drop-in replacement” thin triple pane technology, the current related efforts already underway in California and Canada, and growing interest by building owners, occupants and designers in the benefits of better windows.

Learn more about the Partnership for Advanced Window Solutions (PAWS) here.

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