Board of Directors

Our Purpose - The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) is an alliance of utilities and partners that pools resources and shares risks to transform the market for energy efficiency to the benefit of all consumers in the Northwest.

The membership of the Board of Directors spans Northwest utilities, public interest groups, state energy offices and government entities.

2024 Board Meetings

Mar 11-12 - Seattle, WA

June 25-26 - Billings, MT

Sept 9-10 – Boise, ID

Dec 5-6 - Portland, OR

All meetings are open to the public.

View event details on NEEA's calendar.

2024 NEEA Board Officers

The 2024 Board officers and Executive Committee members are:

Michael Colgrove, Chair

Jamae Hilliard Creecy, Vice Chair

Danie Williams, Secretary

Suzanne Frew, Treasurer

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View Bio

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Transforming the Energy Efficiency Marketplace

The alliance represents the market power of the Northwest’s 13 million consumers, working to build trust and credibility with regional and national entities. View NEEA's current bylaws, the Board Manual and 2020-2024 Budget by funding organization.