Commercial Building Stock Assessment

The CBSA provides building characteristic and energy usage data on commercial buildings in the Northwest.

The Commercial Building Stock Assessment (CBSA) collects, analyzes, and publishes building characteristic and energy usage data for commercial buildings in the Northwest. This information is used by NEEA, our funders, and other regional stakeholders to support diverse activities that include market transformation and energy efficiency programs, energy resource forecasting and planning, utility conservation potential assessments, and utility integrated resource plans.
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Planning is currently underway for the upcoming CBSA 2025. If you have been contacted about participating in the 2025 CBSA, please refer to the CBSA Information for Participants page. 

Note: 2001 CBSA information is available up on request by contacting us

View All Regional Data Resources and Studies

The alliance conducts a variety of large-scale, regional data collection studies, including the Residential and Commercial Building Stock Assessments and the End Use Load Research project. Click below to view past and current projects.

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