Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance

Together We Are Transforming the Northwest

NEEA is an alliance of utilities and partners that pools resources and shares risks to transform the market for energy efficiency to the benefit of all consumers in the Northwest.

View 25 years of successful Market Transformation


The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) is an alliance of more than 140 utilities and energy efficiency organizations working on behalf of more than 13 million energy consumers to increase the adoption of energy-efficient products, services and practices. To do this, the alliance identifies and removes market barriers to energy efficiency to drive permanent change throughout the supply chain. This formalized, lasting approach is known as Market Transformation.

Northwest Solutions for Northwest Customers

  • Midstream MT Video

    Engaging Midstream Influencers

    In this video Market Transformation Manager, Nick Michel, C.E.M, discusses the midstream market interventions that play a pivotal role in market transformation. One of the key strategies employed by the extended motor products (XMP) program is to work with distributors and manufacturer representatives. These partners, who are influential decision-makers in the marketplace, help the program reach more customers effectively than through direct, one-on-one engagements.

    This midstream approach not only broadens the reach but also makes the program's goals more attainable by fostering strong engagement with a wide range of stakeholders in the commercial and industrial sectors.

    By focusing on improving pump efficiency and midstream interventions, NEEA's XMP program aims to save around 6.2 terawatt hours of energy over an 11-year period, starting in 2020.

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    2024 Leadership in Energy Efficiency Awards

    On Dec. 5, 2024, the alliance's 10th annual Leadership in Energy Efficiency Awards recognized standout teams and individuals in both electric and natural gas efficiency for demonstrating outstanding leadership, dedication, enthusiasm and performance in pursuit of a more efficient Northwest. Get all the details from the event in the recap article, including all the photos and the ceremony recording.

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    Alliance Plays a Key Role in U.S. DOE's New Landmark Energy Efficiency Standard

    On April 30, the U.S. DOE published the new federal efficiency standard for consumer water heaters. The new federal standard will transition the majority of electric storage water heaters to heat pump technology and make important incremental steps to improve gas storage water heater efficiency. The passage of the federal water heating standard represents a major milestone in alliance Market Transformation efforts and is a win for all Northwest gas and electric customers. It is a direct result of nearly 20 years of leadership by the alliance, its market partners, and many stakeholders across the country.

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    EFX25 Registration

    Early bird registration ends April 18.

    Gov’t/Utility/Non-Profit: Early-bird $350 / Regularly $450
    Contractor/Consultant: $995

  • Rheem HPWH T3 Basement S

    Looking for the Electric & Natural Gas Advanced Water Heating Specifications?

    Find the most recent electric and natural gas Advanced Water Heating Specifications and all supporting documentation, including the Qualified Products List.

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    Transforming the Energy Efficiency Marketplace

    The alliance represents the market power of the Northwest’s 13 million consumers, working to build trust and credibility with regional and national entities.