NEEA’s 2025-2029 Strategic and Business Plans build on the alliance’s more than 25-year history of Market Transformation success. These plans outline how the alliance will deliver on its draft mission: to catalyze the most efficient use of energy for a thriving Northwest.
NEEA aggregates the power of the region to effect both long-term market change and to deliver near-term benefits, like increasing the availability and affordability of energy-efficient products for Northwest customers.
In 2025 – 2029, the alliance will retain its core focus on delivering affordable energy efficiency solutions to Northwest homes and businesses, regardless of fuel choice and where they live in the region.
NEEA’s future efforts will be guided by four strategic goals developed by NEEA's Board that align with the alliance’s proposed core purpose, which is to pool resources and share risks to transform the market for energy efficiency to the benefit of all consumers in the Northwest.