Impacts & Investments

  • 2016 Target

    2016 Energy Savings Exceed 32 aMW Target

    Market Transformation is the strategic process of intervening in a market to create lasting change. In 2016, NEEA's Market Transformation programs delivered 41 average megawatts of energy savings to the region - exceeding the target by 28 percent. Almost three quarters of these savings are from investments made during prior business cycles.

    • Co-created energy savings are those that the region and local

    programs achieve above an established baseline

    • 1 aMW = enough energy to power about 730 Northwest homes per year

    2016 Co-Created Savings by Program

    4.9 aMW

    4.9 aMW

    Residential Standards

    4.9 aMW

    4.9 aMW

    Non-Residential Standards

    4.5 aMW

    4.5 aMW

    Efficient Homes

    4.3 aMW

    4.3 aMW

    Commercial Codes

    2.8 aMW

    2.8 aMW

    Non-Residential Ductless Heat Pumps

    1.7 aMW

    1.7 aMW

    Building Commissioning

    1.3 aMW

    1.3 aMW


    1.0 aMW

    1.0 aMW

    Heat Pump Water Heaters

    7.8 aMW

    7.8 aMW


    2016 Co-Created Savings by Sector

    18.1 aMW

    18.1 aMW

    Standard (All Sectors)

    11.4 aMW

    11.4 aMW


    6.7 aMW

    6.7 aMW


    5.2 aMW

    5.2 aMW


    5 Year Business Plan Goals

    Progress to 5-Year Business Plan Goals

    All Investments

    2016 Levelized Cost

    Current Portfolio

    2.9 cents/kWh

    NEEA's levelized cost metric employs a Total Resource Cost perspective over a 20 year horizon providing a net present value view of the total cost per kWh saved. NEEA’s target threshold is to remain below 3.5 cents per kWh.

    Working together, the alliance has delivered more than 1,400 aMW of total regional energy savings since 1997 – greater than the annual output of the Bonneville Dam. 

    Neea Impacts Chart

    2016 Expenses (General Funds)

    $17.5 Million

    $17.5 Million

    Market Strategy & Execution

    $8.5 Million

    $8.5 Million

    Planning, Evaluation, & Technology

    $3.5 Million

    $3.5 Million


    $2.8 Million

    $2.8 Million

    Codes & Standards

    $1.7 Million

    $1.7 Million

    Stakeholder Engagement & Communications

    $2.9 Million

    $2.9 Million

    Natural Gas

    Balance Sheet

    As of December 31. 2016 (in $1,000s)

    Cash and cash equivalents $8,040,350
    Funder and other receivables $212,647
    Prepaid expenses $480,870
    Property and equipment $902,164
    Total Assets $9,636,031
    Liabilities and net assets
    Accounts payable and other liabilities $4,225,573
    Advances from funders $3,866,413
    Total liabilities $8,091,986
    Net Assets
    Unrestricted $1,532,804
    Temporarily restricted $11,241
    Total Net Assets $1,544,045
    Total Liabilities and Net Assets $9,636,031

    2016 Annual Report Statement of Activities

    Year ending December 31. 2016 (in $1,000s)

    General fund contributions $36,961,865
    Special fund contributions $488,122
    Interest and other income $160,275
    Total Revenue $37,610,262
    Compensation and benefits $10,851,525
    General administration $3,113,700
    Direct project costs $23,928,385
    Total Expenses $37,893,610
    Change in net assets $(283,348)