Independent, nonprofit Attachments Energy Rating Council releases first certification program for commercial secondary windows

In April 2020, the Attachments Energy Rating Council (AERC) launched the nation’s first certification program for commercial secondary windows. The new certification will provide consumers with credible, relevant and comparable information about secondary windows and their energy performance to help them make informed purchasing decisions.

Secondary windows are retrofit products that attach to the interior or exterior of existing windows and create an insulating air pocket that reduces air leakage, heat transfer, and outdoor air infiltration. Secondary windows increase occupant comfort, reducing both drafts and outside noise.

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) provided support to AERC to develop its commercial certification program and provided support to manufacturers of commercial secondary window products interested in certification. NEEA has been working to accelerate the adoption of high-performance window attachments in the Northwest since 2016 through its Window Attachments program.

“The third-party ratings generated through the commercial certification will provide Northwest building owners and decision makers with a third-party, real-world basis for comparison in selecting products that support higher building energy performance.”

- Elaine Miller
NEEA Market Transformation Manager, Lighting & Building Envelope
