NEEA Launches Super-Efficient Dryer Initiative

NEEA Launches Super-Efficient Dryer Initiative

Regional alliance of utilities and energy efficiency organizations is working with manufacturers and national partners to bring super-efficient dryers to the U.S. market

Clothes dryers use more energy than any other appliance in a typical Northwest home, about 725 kWh per year.  While heat pump dryers are common in Europe and Asia, these more efficient units have not been available to U.S. consumers. Together with its partners, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) is paving the way for super-efficient dryers in the U.S.

Over the last three years, NEEA has developed and supported new efficiency specifications for clothes dryers, worked with manufacturers to build products that meet these specifications, and conducted lab testing to verify their performance. NEEA is also a member of the Super-Efficient Dryer Initiative, a national group whose mandate is to accelerate the introduction of heat pump dryers in North America. 

Thanks in part to these efforts, two large manufacturers, Whirlpool and LG, have announced plans to deliver the first heat pump dryers to U.S. consumers. These units are anticipated to be up to 60% more efficient than conventional clothes dryers and should dry clothes at a lower, more consistent temperature to create a better customer experience. 

Heading into 2015, NEEA will work with its partners to verify dryer performance, measure real-world energy savings, and record consumer feedback, including satisfaction and dryer setting-use.

 NEEA will use this information to support manufacturers as they introduce heat pump dryers into the market and to inform future utility programs.

NEEA’s long-term goal is to influence a new federal efficiency standard and federal test procedure for clothes dryers.

To learn more, or to follow market developments, please visit the Efficient Dryers Interest Group on Conduit.
