NEEA Releases 2014 Industrial Facilities Site Assessment Final Report

NEEA Releases 2014 Industrial Facilities Site Assessment Final Report

NEEA is proud to announce the release of the 2014 Industrial Facilities Site Assessment (IFSA) ;final report and appendices.  As a first study of its kind in the Northwest, the IFSA provides a comprehensive and regionally representative account of energy usage characteristics in Northwest industrial facilities and a comprehensive analysis of the levels, use and management of industrial energy.

Through the IFSA, Cadmus Group, under contract by NEEA, categorized consumption for the major end uses at each facility, focusing end-use data collection on motor systems (compressed air, materials processing, material handling, pumps, and fans), refrigeration, process heating systems, steam systems, and cogeneration, as these typically represented the majority of energy consumption at each site.  The final sample encompassed 82 sites spread across the twelve industrial sectors deemed most relevant to the future of Northwest industry.

NEEA would like to thank all of our utility partners; without them, this report would not have been possible. We would also like to extend our appreciation to the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, whose feedback and insight have helped to make this report a better product. Finally, we would like to recognize the considerable efforts of the Cadmus Group, the contractor commissioned to conduct this work, and their subcontractors.

Additionally, the IFSA Appendices provide additional detailed protocols (including sample design, data collection, data security, and customer contact), an operational practices survey, a sample site-specific report, and finally, potential energy efficiency opportunities by individual industrial segment. For more info, see
