June 28, 2022 - In early 2021 Energy 350 upgraded its office HVAC from single zone constant air volume rooftop units to a dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS) approach that includes variable refrigerant flow (VRF) with heat recovery ventilation (HRV). The primary goals of the project were to:
Using the concepts and lessons learned from 5 years of NEEA market research, pilot projects and technical support, Energy 350 managed the design and construction of a fully compliant very high efficiency DOAS. The result is an extremely efficient system that has provided excellent indoor air quality and significantly improved thermal comfort, all while reducing the energy consumption of the building by 66% (84% HVAC energy reduction).
This presentation reviews the key concepts of the very high efficiency DOAS approach and how that helped Energy 350 meet its goals for providing an efficient, healthy and comfortable office environment for its employees. The presentation also discusses the benefits of converting from a central CAV system to decoupled and zonal system and what type of existing buildings and systems Energy 350 found to be a good fit for the very high efficiency DOAS approach.
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