Heat Pump Rating Representativeness Project Update - NEEA Product Council

August 15, 2023 -University of Nebraska, NEEP, BC Hydro, NEEA and DNV co-presented the preliminary results and findings of the Rating Representativeness project. This unique research project will help determine what aspects of load-based testing and static testing provide the most representative measure of in-field performance. This is the first project of its kind to enable field to lab comparison of heat pump ratings and has support of 4 major manufacturers, NEEA, NEEP, NYSERDA, Natural Resources Canada, Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas and Electric, Xcel Energy, Com Ed, and the American Public Power Association. In phase 1 of the project, six heat pumps were installed in identical manufactured homes located in Lincoln Nebraska. Lab grade performance data acquisition systems were installed and monitored by the University of Nebraska and DNV. Data was gathered during both cooling and heating seasons under identical thermostat settings and simulated occupant loads. In Phase 2, the heat pumps were shipped to the UL test facility in Plano, TX where they were tested under both AHRI 210/240 test procedure and CSA SPE07:2023 test procedure. What was presented is only the preliminary findings. Complete analysis and evaluation will be included in a final report expected in late 2023.

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