May 3, 2022 - As part of NEEA's Market Transformation strategy development to accelerate market adoption of variable speed heat pumps (VSHPs), NEEA's VSHP Technical Best Practices Gap Analysis report identifies gaps of technology understanding, contractor awareness, and contractor capability in the VSHP market. The report also discusses how those gaps play out practically with recommendations on approaches and strategies to mitigate their impacts and improve market capacity.
The report is the result of the synthesis of a resources inventory, literature review, industry knowledge, and TRC's internal engineering and heat pump market experience working with residential electrification and VSHPs in multiple states—work that contributed to identifying and describing gaps in technical knowledge. The gaps are segmented into three types – (1) Knowledge Gap: the data necessary to inform the market on bets practices is missing. (2) Resource Gap: Utility programs, trade organizations, and/or manufacturers do not provide material resources that support contractor's ability to learn an apply existing knowledge. (3) Practice Gap; HVAC installation contractors do not put available knowledge into practice consistently or appropriately. This session discusses the research methodology, findings, and recommendations.
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