Last quarter we said a heartfelt and bittersweet goodbye to Corinne McCarthy, who is pursuing another wonderful opportunity in marketing research. But the newsletter must go on! So without further ado:
In this edition of the Market Research and Evaluation Quarterly Newsletter, we’re bringing you the latest on Market Research and Evaluation efforts, including recent reports and learnings from our Market Research Online Communities (MROCs). This quarter we also include some current examples of how our research links to work that our in-house Market Intelligence team provides to NEEA staff. See page 15 for more information on work they have done to support Ductless Heat Pumps (DHPs) and Heat Pump Water Heaters (HPWHs).
Cheers to this new insight and to the many new and informative findings from 2019!
~ Susan Hermenet ~
Director of Technology, Planning, and Evaluation