2022 work on codes, standards and new construction started at a rapid clip, and NEEA’s Codes and Standards team has not looked back since. In Q1 2022, NEEA staff engaged in two major code development cycles, Washington State Energy Code — Residential (WSEC-R) and the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), both of which are ongoing.
The U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) published 24 product rulemakings, of which NEEA staff responded to 22, either with direct comments or by signing on with other organizations.
In addition, several research and evaluation studies moved forward in Q1 2022. The Washington Commercial Code Evaluation was finalized, another code evaluation (the Montana Commercial New Construction Code Evaluation) kicked off, and one Washington residential code market study made progress.
A new staff member — Blake Ringeisen — joined the team as a Senior Codes & Standards Engineer.
The team staff welcome Blake and look forward to a busy and impactful year in codes and standards.