NEEA Q2 2020 Codes, Standards and New Construction Newsletter

We hope this newsletter finds you safe and healthy! We continue to work and live in the difficult situation created by the challenging global pandemic. We can all demonstrate our strength and resilience in seeking innovative solutions to work together without physically being together.

On the good news front, we are starting to see uptake of online education and training on energy codes. In the second quarter, over 2,700 professionals in the region attended online energy code trainings funded through NEEA. 

Here are a few highlights from the second quarter. 

  • NEEA launched a research study in response to the Oregon Governor’s Executive Order 20-04 establishing long term energy code goals. The research study establishes the 2006 code baseline, explores the measures needed to meet the 2030 goals and analyzes the proposed 2020 Reach Code and DOE Zero Energy Homes specifications as compared to the 2006 baseline.
  • NEEA published the Washington Residential New Construction Field Study, which was conducted to better understand how the 2015 Washington State Energy Code has affected new home construction and energy performance. Analysis of the data provides insight into how builders are choosing to comply with the energy code and provides information on observed levels of compliance and expected home energy performance.
  • Since April, DOE initiated appliance and equipment standard rulemakings for more than 20 products. NEEA collaborated with various partners and submitted comment letters for 11 products this quarter and plan to summit additional comment letters in the third quarter. Regional sales data, lab testing results, field validation data, and other technical data was provided with the comments to support enhancement of test procedures and improvement in efficiency levels. 

Thank you,

Bing Liu, P.E.

Sr. Manager, Codes, Standards and New Construction

Find updates on the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance codes, standards and new construction work from Q2 2020.

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