Welcome to another issue of NEEA’s Market Research & Evaluation quarterly newsletter!
The team has done its best to bring you all the important details about research and evaluation projects that are expected to be planning, fielding, and reporting in the third quarter. There are several evaluation studies for which final reports are anticipated next quarter. This includes four long-term monitoring and tracking (LTMT) studies and five Market Progress Evaluation Reports (MPERs)! Luminaire Level Lighting Controls, Heat Pump Water Heaters, Retail Products Portfolio, Manufactured Homes and Commercial Code Enhancement are all looking forward to receiving the findings from their annual MPERs in the next few weeks. This represents a lot of work across the team for the first part of the year.
A sincere thank you to the many of you that have supported these efforts by participating in interviews, reviewing contact lists, and graciously providing sample. The studies are more refined, relevant and representative of the region’s successes and remaining obstacles to achieving the end goals of these Market Transformation programs.
As always, questions and ideas about what you read in the newsletter and NEEA’s evaluation and research efforts more generally are welcomed. Please feel free to reach out. As the world begins to slowly open back up, I hope you are all looking forward to a summer of a little more freedom to get out and enjoy the people and places you love.
Amy Webb, Manager MRE