Q2 2023 Quarterly Report

A Note from the Executive Director

This spring has been marked by a flurry of activity in the Northwest. In May, the Efficiency Exchange conference brought more than 400 people together to learn and connect about energy efficiency - with an additional 100+ people joining virtually. In June, NEEA’s 2022 Annual Report was published. Through the alliance’s collective efforts, the region co-created 38.7 aMW of electric energy savings and 827,379 Therms of natural gas savings, equivalent to the amount of energy needed to power more than 26,000 homes per year. As we continue to think ahead to Cycle 7, NEEA launched a wide-scale outreach process engaging stakeholders from across the Northwest on its draft strategic and business plans for 2025-2029. Other highlights from the quarter include:

  • The U.S. DOE published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) for Consumer Water Heaters. The proposed standard is similar to recommendations submitted last year by members of a diverse stakeholder coalition – including NEEA. NEEA participated in this joint recommendation to ensure that the needs of all Northwest consumers are met, including those in cold climates, those with challenging installation locations and those across income levels.
  • NEEA partnered with funders to promote the benefits of luminaire level lighting controls (LLLCs), through trade ally trainings hosted by Idaho Power and Bonneville Power Administration, collaboration with Idaho Power to promote LLLCs through Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) of Idaho, a case study highlighting a Seattle City Light customer published in the Facility Management Journal, and collaboration with Energy Trust of Oregon and BPA to feature LLLCs at the Oregon School Facilities Management Association Annual Conference.
  • The DOE adopted a new television test procedure largely based on work funded by the alliance (NEEA is mentioned over 20 times in the document). The new test procedure provides a more realistic representation of the energy used by modern televisions under typical use and viewing conditions.

More highlights from NEEA's work in Q2 are available at the link on the right. 

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