Q2 2024 Quarterly Report

A Note from the Executive Director

Innovation and collaboration are the driving forces behind NEEA’s Market Transformation success. Over the past few months, NEEA and its partners have worked together to advance several innovative products and approaches that, not only save energy, but support the grid and meet the needs of all Northwest consumers. Second quarter highlights include:

  • Launching a field study, in collaboration with Bonneville Power Administration and utilities across the region, to quantify the energy savings potential of room heat pumps. These innovative systems can be self-installed and plugged in to a standard outlet, making them an efficient and accessible option for both multifamily and single-family households.
  • Partnering with Consortium for Energy Efficiency to gain national alignment on rooftop unit (RTU) efficiency measures across fuel types and climate zones. NEEA is meeting regularly with utilities and efficiency organizations across North America to align on strategies to influence RTU manufacturers and concluded a local field test in Q2.
  • Completing research to understand residential laundry use patterns and equipment energy use in the region. Insights from the study will identify energy savings opportunities, inform ENERGY STAR specification development, and support future U.S. Department of Energy rulemakings.
Finally, Q2 2024 was notable for the sheer number of federal standards advanced by the DOE, with 11 final rules completed in the quarter alone. NEEA supported many of these standard-setting processes by providing regional sales data, lab and field-testing results, and other technical data to support improved efficiency levels that will benefit consumers in the Northwest.
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