NEEA’s Market Research and Evaluation (MRE) team is pleased to share with you the Q3 newsletter. This newsletter is forward-looking, so inside there's a summary of the research and evaluation projects that are being planned, in the field, or in reporting during the fourth quarter. The end of the year often sees many studies wrapping up, so there are several reports that have recently published to, or that soon will. These include a Residential Windows Market Characterization, a Study of Influences on Northwest Variable Speed Heat Pump Adoption, the Hydraulic Institute Energy Rating Label Awareness Study, Uninterruptible Power Supplies and Commercial Boilers Standards Evaluations and several others. Look for notifications of these reports soon.
I also wanted to draw your attention to the Codes, Standards and New Construction section of the newsletter. NEEA conducts a code evaluation for new construction in both the residential and commercial sectors for each state in the alliance (Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington) approximately once each cycle. These evaluations serve multiple objectives. They identify the options that builders in the state are selecting to comply with new code, identify opportunities to improve the clarity and focus of codes, and estimate the rate of compliance with code for new buildings at that point in time. The latter is a key input for NEEA’s modeled savings forecast associated with the alliance’s work in the codes market. Several code evaluations have recently been fielded, including the Washington Residential and Montana Commercial Code Evaluations. Later this year, the Idaho and Montana Residential Code Evaluations are scheduled to launch. The MRE team invites you to take a look at what is planned for the fall and, as always, please reach out with questions and feedback.
~ Amy Webb, Sr. Manager, Market Research & Evaluation ~