Q4 2020 Market Research and Evaluation Newsletter - December

Greetings everyone! I hope you’re enjoying this holiday season – a welcomed end to a very challenging year. Surely I’m not alone in saying I won’t be sad to see this one go. Thank you for taking a moment to look over our MRE newsletter. As always, the content is designed to be forward-looking. The project updates will give you a sense of what activities to expect for each project in the upcoming quarter. This is an effort on our part to ensure that we can address your feedback and questions regarding upcoming studies prior to work beginning. In addition, we want to create a space for coordination wherever those opportunities exist. In the current newsletter, you’ll see that very few studies fall into the planning category. While the last quarter of the year is often a time of intense planning for the following year’s studies, the first quarter is when many of these studies kick off and begin fielding. Accordingly, you’ll see that there are many studies listed in the fielding stage for the next quarter. For example, several of NEEA’s Market Transformation programs will begin fielding their annual market progress evaluations (MPERs) in Q1. These include Luminaire Level Lighting Controls, Heat Pump Water Heaters, Manufactured Homes, and Retail Product Portfolio. There are also evaluations that will field in the next quarter related to naturally occurring baseline reviews, long-term monitoring and tracking, and market research for the Windows Attachments program and others. The first quarter of 2021 will see a variety of research and evaluation studies at NEEA. We’re looking forward to an eventful Q1! 

Happy Holidays to all of you! And many wishes for a wonderful and restorative new year!

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