Happy greetings, everyone!
NEEA’s Market Research and Evaluation (MRE) team is pleased to share with you the latest research and evaluation project news. Enclosed are important details related to current studies, as well as those that will commence in the first quarter of 2024. There will be a host of studies in the field between now and the end of the first quarter. Several programs are in the midst of their first market progress evaluation report (MPER), including the Commercial HVAC programs (High-Performance HVAC and gas Efficient Rooftop Units) and the Extended Motor Products program. These evaluations will bring increased understanding of the market opportunity for these measures, as well as NEEA’s progress toward its Market Transformation goals. There are also several state energy code compliance and standard influence evaluations in the field. In addition, lots of studies are wrapping up, so stay tuned for reports to hit your inbox over the next few weeks. 2023 has been an exciting year with many opportunities to connect in-person, share new ideas, and tackle big challenges. It’s been an eventful twelve months, and the MRE team looks forward to what the year ahead brings.
~ Amy Webb, Sr. Manager, Market Research & Evaluation ~