In the Northwest, emerging technology development and verification is conducted by a few key organizations, including NEEA, Bonneville Power Administration and Energy Trust of Oregon. These efforts are coordinated through a Regional Emerging Technology Advisory Committee (RETAC), which is facilitated by NEEA. To optimize regional investment in energy-efficient technologies, RETAC launched the region's first shared emerging technology database in 2017. Developed by NEEA staff, this database houses information about emerging technology products and projects, provides portfolio-level analysis and reporting, and facilitates collaboration. The database can be viewed as a map by clicking on the link below.
Collaborating to identify and advance emerging technologies helps us avoid duplication of efforts, while concentrating regional resources on priority technologies. It’s a win-win: we’re meeting the needs of the region’s electrical system and driving economic development, while at the same time bringing the best value to our customers.
Demand response-enabled water heaters could be a flexible, low-cost way of reducing energy use during periods of high demand. These "smart" water heaters also have the potential to deliver a host of other benefits, including lower utility costs and better integration of renewable energy into the grid.