NEEA 2017 Annual Report

Working together, Northwest utilities and energy efficiency organizations delivered market transformation progress through partnership in 2017.

  • Susan Stratton 2

    Letter to the Region

    I am so pleased to share NEEA’s 2017 Annual Report: Progress through Partnership. Four years ago, NEEA’s Board of Directors created a five-year (2015-2019) Business Plan based on the region's collective vision for Northwest market transformation. Looking back over the alliance’s 2017 accomplishments, it is clear that this vision is becoming a reality.

    Susan E. Stratton
    Executive Director

    2017 Portfolio Highlights


    Ar Portfolio Highlights

    2017 Success Stories

    Good, Better, Best Guide to LED Retrofits

    In 2017, Northwest utilities and efficiency organizations partnered to help commercial and industrial customers get the most out of their lighting retrofit projects.

    Collaborating to identify and advance emerging technologies helps us avoid duplication of efforts, while concentrating regional resources on priority technologies. It’s a win-win…we’re meeting the needs of the region’s electrical system and driving economic development, while at the same time bringing the best value to our customers.

    - Keshmira McVey
    Program Manager, Emerging Technologies, Bonneville Power Administration

    (scroll left or right below to read all success stories)
    • Cree Suspendedambient Lllc

      Luminaire Level Lighting Controls

      Luminaire Level Lighting Controls combine LEDs with integrated controls and sensors to deliver significant energy savings. Northwest utilities and efficiency organizations are working together to bring these advanced lighting solutions to customers.

    • Hybridcare1

      Super-Efficient Dryers

      Clothes dryers use more electricity than almost any other household appliance. In 2017, the alliance partnered with ENERGY STAR® and manufacturer Whirlpool to help Northwest consumers save energy by choosing super-efficient heat pump dryers.

    • Salt Tubes Preview

      Natural Gas Market Transformation

      NEEA’s Natural Gas Collaborative worked with manufacturers, technology developers, trade associations, and others to accelerate the development of efficient natural gas water heaters in 2017.

    • Apartment Architecture Buildings 243722

      Residential Building Stock Assessment

      The Residential Building Stock Assessment is a broad regional study that provides vital information about energy use in single-family, multi-family and manufactured homes across the Northwest. Among other things, the data supports utility staff in planning, managing and measuring efficiency programs.

    • Ar Et Map New

      Regional Emerging Technology Coordination

      By investing in, developing, and validating emerging energy-efficient technologies, the alliance is working to ensure that new technologies perform well and save energy for Northwest consumers, while decreasing risks for the region.

      Everyone in our industry understands the need for higher efficiency water heater technology, but we wouldn’t be this far ahead with product development without the support of NEEA and Northwest utilities.


      Impacts and Investments

      • Ar Cocreated Savings

        Energy Savings

        NEEA estimates that alliance-funded activities delivered 41 average megawatts (aMW) of
        co-created energy savings in 2017. Because market transformation delivers savings over a long-term horizon, almost three quarters of 2017 savings are associated with investments made during previous business cycles.

        Co-created energy savings are those that the region and local programs deliver above an established baseline

        1 aMW = enough energy to power about 730 Northwest homes per year

        Co-Created Energy Savings by Sector
        All Investments

        23.1 aMW

        23.1 aMW

        Codes and Standards (All Sectors)

        12.7 aMW

        12.7 aMW


        1.5 aMW

        1.5 aMW


        3.6 aMW

        3.6 aMW

        Industrial and Agriculture

        Ar 5 Year Estimates 5 Year

        Progress to Five-Year Goals
        (All Investments)
        Ar 10 Year Estimates 10 Year

        Progress to Ten-Year Goals
        (All Investments)

        20 Year Levelized Cost

        Current Portfolio = 2.9 cents/kWh

        Regional Peak Demand Savings:

        75 MW (winter)
        55 MW (summer)

        Avoided CO2 Emissions:

        183,322 tons/yr

        Cumulative Co-Created Savings (aMW): 1997–2017

        Working together, the region has delivered more than 730 average megawatts (aMW) of co-created energy savings since 1997 – enough energy to power more than 500,000 Northwest homes each year.
        Ar Cumulative Savings 02

        2017 Expenses

        $20.5 Million

        $20.5 Million

        Market Strategy and Execution

        $7.5 Million

        $7.5 Million

        Planning, Evaluation, and Technology

        $4.0 Million

        $4.0 Million


        $2.0 Million

        $2.0 Million

        Stakeholder Engagement and Communications

        $2.3 Million

        $2.3 Million

        Natural Gas

        Balance Sheet

        As of December 31. 2017

        Cash and cash equivalents $13,289,648
        Funder and other receivables $166,195
        Prepaid expenses $452,106
        Property and equipment $702,643
        Total Assets $14,610,592
        Liabilities and net assets
        Accounts payable and other liabilities $4,879,836
        Advances from funders $8,141,107
        Total liabilities $13,020,943
        Net Assets
        Unrestricted $1,518,272
        Temporarily restricted $71,377
        Total Net Assets $1,589,649
        Total Liabilities and Net Assets $14,610,592

        Statement of Activities

        Year ending December 31. 2017

        Electric contributions $33,295,471
        Natural Gas contributions $2,296,311
        Special fund contributions $605,374
        Interest and other income $211,833
        Total Revenue $36,408,989
        Compensation and benefits $11,487,697
        General administration $3,023,477
        Direct project costs $21,852,241
        Total Expenses $36,363,385
        Change in net assets $45,604

        2018 Board of Directors

        2018 Board Photo

        Ar 2018 Board Photo

        Download Annual Report

        2017 Annual Report Snapshot