2019 Annual Report

Recognizing five years (2015-2019) of Market Transformation progress through partnership.

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    Letter to the Region

    The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) was founded in 1997 on a new and promising notion – that by working together to identify and remove market barriers throughout the supply chain, the region could achieve permanent gains in energy efficiency. Twenty-three years later, market transformation is recognized across the country as a powerful tool for delivering energy efficiency and the alliance as its most experienced purveyor.

    2019 marked the last year of NEEA’s 5-year (2015-2019) Business Plan. During this business cycle – by pooling resources, creating economies of scale and leveraging the market power of the region – the alliance successfully completed its Cycle 5 Business Plan.

    Cycle 5 Business Plan Highlights (2015-2019)

    2019 Portfolio Highlights 03

    • Oregon State Capitol Building

      Energy efficiency is an economic driver in our region and is important now more than ever. Energy efficiency saves money, creates family-waged jobs, and is the cornerstone of a low-carbon economic development strategy. Those who work in Oregon’s energy efficiency industry are critical to ensuring we have an affordable and resilient energy system that is robust for our future. Thank you to the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance for its leadership in advancing energy efficiency in Oregon and across the Northwest.
      - Kate Brown, Governor of Oregon

      Success Stories

      • Codes photo

        Building Energy Codes

        Locking in Energy Efficiency - Influencing progressively effective energy codes is a key element of NEEA’s market transformation efforts. During Cycle 5, NEEA’s approach to supporting code development evolved from a focus on individual measures to more holistic targeting of whole-building energy performance.

      • AR black garage HPWH installation

        Heat Pump Water Heaters

        Removing Barriers to Market Adoption - To accelerate the adoption of heat pump water heaters, the alliance worked alongside manufacturers to identify barriers to consumer adoption and support product innovation.

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        Gas Heat Pump Water Heaters

        Filling the Energy Efficiency Pipeline - The alliance collaborated with technology developers and manufacturers to fast-track the development of efficient natural gas technologies, including the first gas heat pump water heater, set for commercial availability in 2022.

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        Retail Product Portfolio

        Influencing Consumer Markets - Through the Retail Product Portfolio program the alliance partnered with retailers to influence the consumer products market. The program has gained traction with national players since 2015, including Best Buy, Lowe’s, Nationwide Marketing Group and The Home Depot.

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        Distributor Platform

        Turning Data into Actionable Insights - To shift lighting contractors toward more efficient products, the alliance partnered with electrical distributors, building a robust data-gathering tool called the Distributor Platform. Today, the platform supports multiple alliance markets and programs.

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        End Use Load Research

        Delivering Market Intelligence - In Cycle 5, NEEA coordinated the first region-wide end use load study in 30 years to gather critical data on Northwest residential and commercial energy uses.

        • SEM photo option1

          A Previous Investment Delivers Returns for the Region:

          Helping customers manage their energy use is a critical role that Northwest utilities and efficiency organizations play. From 2005-2015, the alliance pioneered Strategic Energy Management (SEM) in the Northwest through its Continuing Energy Improvement (CEI) program. CEI brought common “plan, do, check, act” goal setting principles and other industrial processes into the realm of energy management. Energy Trust of Oregon and Bonneville Power Administration were early participants in CEI pilots, renamed SEM in 2009.

          As utility programs grew across the Northwest, NEEA began winding down its SEM market engagement. In NEEA’s 2015-2019 Business Plan, SEM became an infrastructure program, focused entirely on providing support for utility programs and the market through training, tools and resources. With a solid regional foundation and utilities leading the way, SEM programs continued to spread across the region in Cycle 5. Between 2017-2019, the number of industrial facilities participating in utility SEM programs almost doubled across the Northwest while commercial participants more than tripled. In total, Northwest SEM programs saved enough energy between 2015-2019 to power more than 20,000 Northwest homes each year. These savings would not have been possible without alliance investments made more than a decade ago and showcase the real power of Market Transformation.

          With NEEA at the helm, the Northwest is leading the way for energy efficiency and showing the rest of the country where the industry is headed.

          - Tom Zimmer
          Sr. Director of Water Heating, GE Appliances, a Haier company

          Recognizing Five Years of Market Transformation Progress

          Cycle 5 (2015-2019) Market Progress Report

          Between 2015 and 2019, the alliance conducted a variety of market interventions targeting identified barriers to energy efficiency throughout the supply chain and capitalizing on strategic opportunities. NEEA’s Cycle 5 (2015-2019) Market Progress Report documents key barriers and interventions in each strategic market and highlights some of the market progress that alliance activities delivered in Cycle 5.

          View Report

          Impacts and Investments

          Cycle 5 Business Plan (2015-2019) Results:

          Added 500 aMW of potential savings to Emerging Technology Pipeline

          Delivered market progress in all four strategic markets

          Exceeded overall electric energy savings goal

          Achieved Business Plan results 5% below electric budget

          Reported first natural gas energy savings

          • Current All Investments new

            Co-Created Energy Savings

            Between 2015-2019, alliance activities delivered 219 average megawatts (aMW) of Co-Created energy savings, enough energy to power nearly 160,000 Northwest homes each year.
            For more details, view NEEA's presentation to the Cost-Effectiveness Advisory Committee.

            Co-Created - or shared - energy savings include all savings above the baseline that occur in the market due to the combined efforts of NEEA and its partners.

            1 aMW = enough energy to power about 730 Northwest homes per year

            2019 Energy Savings Results

            • Co created energy savings

              NEEA estimates that the alliance delivered 42 average megawatts (aMW) of Co-Created energy savings in 2019 exceeding its goal of 28 aMW by 50 percent. Over half of those savings are the result of investments made during previous business cycles.

              Co-Created Energy Savings by Sector
              All Investments

              14  aMW

              14 aMW

              Codes and Standards (not associated with a voluntary program)

              13 aMW

              13 aMW


              7 aMW

              7 aMW


              9 aMW

              9 aMW

              Industrial and Agriculture

              20 Year Levelized Cost:

              Current Portfolio = 2.7 cents/kWh

              Regional Peak Demand Savings:

              15.4 MW winter peak (current investments in market development)

              Avoided CO2 Emissions:

              24,000 tons/yr (current investments)

              Additive Co-Created Savings (aMW): 1997–2019

              Market transformation is a long-term process that delivers permanent market change. Alliance activities during any one business cycle continue to deliver energy savings after the 5-year investment period has ended. This chart shows energy savings associated with the funding cycle in which the program started and additive growth in incremental first year savings over the market transformation time horizon.
              Working together, the region has delivered about 820 average megawatts (aMW) of Co-Created energy savings since 1997.
              2019 cumulative co created savings

              2019 Investments

              $19.5 Million

              $19.5 Million

              Market Development & Transformation

              $8.5 Million

              $8.5 Million

              Analytics, Research & Evaluation

              $4.7 Million

              $4.7 Million

              Business Administration

              $2.3 Million

              $2.3 Million

              End Use Load Research

              $1.7 Million

              $1.7 Million

              Stakeholder Engagement, Corporate Strategy & Communications

              $3.7 Million

              $3.7 Million

              Natural Gas

              Balance Sheet

              As of December 31, 2019

              Cash and cash equivalents $2,233,778
              Short-term investments $14,538,817
              Funder and other receivables $149,821
              Prepaid expenses $494,820
              Property and equipment $395,594
              Total Assets $17,812,830
              Liabilities and net assets
              Accounts payable and other liabilities $5,030,058
              Advances from funders $10,880,760
              Total liabilities $15,910,818
              Net Assets
              Unrestricted $1,724,427
              Temporarily restricted $177,585
              Total Net Assets $1,902,012
              Total Liabilities and Net Assets $17,812,830

              Statement of Activities

              Year ending December 31, 2019

              Electric contributions $32,833,999
              Natural Gas contributions $4,552,756
              End Use Load Research Contributions $2,459,164
              Special fund contributions $487,561
              Interest and other income $201,946
              Total Revenue $40,535,426
              Compensation and benefits $12,306,036
              General administration $2,937,147
              Direct project costs $25,207,947
              Total Expenses $40,451,130
              Change in net assets $84,296

              NEEA Board of Directors

              2019 AR States Collage board banner

              AR 2019 Board List

              2019 Annual Report Summary
