NEEA’s Annual Report highlights the power of partnership to accelerate energy efficiency
Portland, Ore. – June 24 – On behalf of more than 140 Northwest utilities, the Bonneville Power Administration and the Energy Trust of Oregon, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) has released its 2014 Annual Report.
Working together, the region accelerated the development of dozens of energy-efficient technologies, equipped regional planners with the most comprehensive energy use data collected in 25 years, and moved entire markets for more efficient products.
The Annual Report includes highlights of regional accomplishments during the final year of NEEA’s 2010-2014 Business Plan, resulting in:
The alliance achieved 48 average megawatts (aMW) of co-created savings in 2014 – enough energy to power 35,000 Northwest homes each year throughout Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. Since 1997, cumulative savings associated with NEEA’s initiatives have now exceeded 1,100 aMW.
“We in Idaho value energy efficiency and conservation as the lowest-hanging fruit in our energy orchard. They are the most cost-effective way to help meet the energy needs of our region’s growing economy,” said Governor Butch Otter, Idaho. “By pooling resources and working as an alliance, Northwest utilities have saved enough energy to power all the homes in Idaho for a year. I applaud these efforts and the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance – congratulations on launching your Fifth Business Plan.”
“It’s exciting to see how the power of our partnership continues to get results and raise the bar for energy efficiency in our region,” said Susan E. Stratton, NEEA’s executive director. “Together, we are creating the market conditions that support energy efficiency as a cornerstone of a vibrant, sustainable Northwest.”
NEEA’s 2014 Annual Report is available to the public online, and features interactive graphics, videos, and financial results. Read the full report at
About the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) is an alliance of more than 140 utilities and energy efficiency organizations working on behalf of more than 13 million energy consumers. NEEA is dedicated to accelerating both electric and gas energy efficiency, leveraging its regional partnerships to advance the adoption of energy-efficient products, services and practices.
Since 1997, NEEA and its partners have saved enough energy to power more than 900,000 homes each year. As the second-largest resource in the Northwest, energy efficiency can offset most of our new demand for energy, saving money and keeping the Northwest a healthy and vibrant place to live.
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