Northwest Sees Strong Energy Efficiency Performance in 2015

Northwest Sees Strong Energy Efficiency Performance in 2015

NEEA’s Annual Report highlights role of collaboration, innovation in accelerating energy efficiency 

Portland, Ore. – July 7, 2015 – On behalf of more than 140 Northwest utilities, the Bonneville Power Administration and the Energy Trust of Oregon, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) has released its 2015 Annual Report.

The report highlights regional accomplishments and results from the first year of the alliance’s 2015-2019 Business Plan. Working together, the region accelerated the development of more than a dozen energy-efficient technologies, completed the first regional market strategy for commercial and industrial lighting, and launched the first regional natural gas market transformation effort in the country.

“Oregonians are proud of our state’s leadership in energy efficiency. They join me in congratulating the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance on 20 years of market transformation to accelerate adoption of energy-efficiency products, practices, and services. Through regional collaboration, we are leveraging the impact of our individual investments in efficiency and conservation to spur economic development, reduce emissions of harmful pollutants, and contribute to the long-term prosperity of the Northwest,” stated Oregon Governor Kate Brown.

 “Regional collaboration is absolutely critical to meeting the Northwest’s growing energy demands through efficiency,” said Susan Stratton, NEEA’s executive director. “In 2015 our alliance took that collaboration to the next level with new innovations and new areas of opportunity like natural gas. Working together, we are building an energy efficiency engine that will sustain and support the Northwest for the next twenty years.”

NEEA’s 2015 Annual Report is available to the public online, and features an interactive map, graphics, and financial results. Read the full report at

About the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) is an alliance of more than 140 utilities and energy efficiency organizations working on behalf of more than 13 million energy consumers. NEEA is dedicated to accelerating both electric and gas energy efficiency, leveraging its regional partnerships to advance the adoption of energy-efficient products, services and practices.

Since 1997, NEEA and its partners have saved enough energy to power more than 900,000 homes each year. As the second-largest resource in the Northwest, energy efficiency can offset most of our new demand for energy, saving money and keeping the Northwest a healthy and vibrant place to live.
