Codes Market Progress Evaluation Report #3

This is the third Market Progress Evaluation Report (MPER) on the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance’s (NEEA’s) Codes and Standards Program. The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based on evaluation data collected from site visits, interviews with NEEA contractors, visits to building jurisdictions, and data from NEEA’s training efforts.

Between 2005 and 2009, NEEA fielded three MPERs evaluating the alliance’s Market Transformation efforts related to energy codes and standards, with the subsequent code-related MPER completed in 2017. Due to the period of time elapsed between this and earlier studies, the 2017 MPER was labeled as “MPER #1” at the time of its publication, with this numbering continuing with the recently completed MPER #2 published in 2024. NEEA has subsequently elected to consolidate all code-related MPERs completed to date under a consistent numbering scheme; code-related MPERs available on will be renumbered accordingly.

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