NEEA Q1 2020 Quarterly Report

A Note from the Executive Director

We are living through an unprecedented time in recent history. It is no exaggeration to say that COVID-19 has impacted everything we do and how we do it. While the alliance remains focused on its long-term goals, NEEA staff has adjusted in the short-term to support the region by: increasing online training opportunities; working with market partners to collect additional data and insights; and sharing information and tactics with the region. It is too early to understand the full impact of the economic slowdown on alliance programs, but early observations provide clues about possible outcomes:

  • Spending on white goods increased significantly in March and April despite significant contractions
    in national consumer purchasing. Consumers are continuing to choose efficient products at the same percentage as they did before COVID-19.
  • Supply chain engagement in alliance programs has been inconsistently affected across the portfolio, with some engagement and data collection efforts slowing. NEEA staff is also monitoring potential risks and impacts to field studies and research resulting from social distancing requirements.
  • NEEA is seeing strong interest and uptake in online training and continuing education credits. This is likely due to trade allies experiencing downtime.

NEEA is taking a conservative approach to forecasting end-of-year investment, estimating delays and revisions to many planned 2020 activities. A re-forecast of energy savings in all NEEA markets is planned for Q3. While the duration and degree of this crisis are unknown, there is no doubt that energy efficiency will play a key role in supporting the economic recovery of this region and our clean energy future. I look forward to realizing that future together.

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