A Note from the Executive Director
Over the past few months, it has been gratifying to see life returning to near normal, including here at NEEA. In April, the alliance and Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) hosted the Efficiency Exchange conference. Held virtually over three days with more than 350 attendees, the conference featured an inspiring group of regional and national leaders presenting on topics ranging from dual-fuel efficiency, to active efficiency, equity in residential programs and findings from the 2021 Power Plan.
NEEA staff are preparing to return to the office in late June (providing current COVID case levels remain stable). We are also preparing for the resumption of both in-person and hybrid (virtual and in-person) stakeholder meetings. Embracing a hybrid approach will allow staff and stakeholders the flexibility to make their own health decisions while also supporting in-person collaboration that we’ve been missing so much. I am very much looking forward to NEEA’s first in-person Board meeting June 20-21; the first since December of 2019.
Finally, NEEA staff have revised Cycle 6 saving estimates based on 2021 market progress. In the electric portfolio, we are expecting to exceed Business Plan targets thanks to strong market adoption of consumer products, efficient pumps and strategic energy management. Natural Gas estimates have been revised downward due to proposal delays in Oregon and builder decisions in Washington.