NEEA Q3 2020 Quarterly Report

A Note from the Executive Director

As we head into the final months of 2020, the region is continuing to grapple with the ongoing uncertainty of the pandemic and related economic impacts. Despite these challenging circumstances, the alliance continued its Market Transformation activities, making modifications where necessary and supporting staff. There are reasons to be optimistic about the future:

  • The alliance is strong and the Northwest leads the country in pioneering market transformation work;
  • Alliance activities have continued to drive market progress in key markets during the pandemic;
  • Northwest states are implementing more stringent building energy codes and federal standards activity has accelerated over the past few months;
  • Energy efficiency is widely seen across the region as a valuable resource for meeting system needs; and
  • There is growing commitment to energy efficiency outside of the region and key stakeholders are working to align with the Northwest on similar goals.

I would like to end this year with a heartfelt “thank you” to NEEA’s funders for your continued commitment to energy efficiency. We look forward to continuing our work to bring efficient and affordable products, services and practices to all Northwest consumers.

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